Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why are there morning talk shows on the radio, but in the afternnoon it's mostly music?

During the morning commute the radio is filled with morning talk shows until about 10am, however; in the evening the format is all music. Who decided that we need morning talk shows? Does anyone even listen to these brain-numbing shows?

Why are there morning talk shows on the radio, but in the afternnoon it's mostly music?opera songs

Some people can't listen to talk shows. But 90% of radio listeners want to be entertained and informed in the morning.

They want to know what Paris Hilton did.

They want to know who was voted off of Idol.

They want to know what the hosts did over the weekend.

They want to know who is playing a concert at the arena.

They want to know where the accidents are.

They want to know the weather forecast.

Anyone station could play the top 40 songs in the morning. But hearing that Ciara song for the 20th time would become boring fast. The people that want music in the morning listen to their CD player or Ipod.

Radio is king in the morning because they are the first people to comment on all the stuff that happened the night before.

By the time the afternoon comes around, all that stuff is old news. So why not play a bunch of songs.

This formula has worked for over 55 years.

Why are there morning talk shows on the radio, but in the afternnoon it's mostly music?secure browser opera theater

well there is/was Opie and Anthony.
ppl are driving and working
By the afternoon its all old news
So people have something interesting (or sometimes NOT so interesting) to listen to in the mornings. Rather than falling asleep to some sad country song!!! LoL!!
Yes, I listen to Chio in the Morning everyday, P1! The show is so funny and filled with awesome. On Monday we get to find out if GN had sex with Justice! I can't wait.

Booker Show on Q102 is good as well.
i dont listen to the radio because i dont want to hear the same 20 songs all day long
I guess is because people is Well Awake during the morning hours and radios believe that you want to listen to all the crap they talk about to get to work and discuss it with your co-workers. I used to listen to them sometimes but now I prefer to listen to CD's during that time of my commute.
I do but it can tick me off before i get to work cause they'll talk about people like Paris Hilton who is going from 45 to 22 days in jail for good behavior. Hint she just violated probation and got caught on a DUI where is the freakin good behavior

This tell me that celebs rule the world not bush
i live by myself so getting up is even harder to do when all i have to keep me awake is silence, my alarm clock, and well...silence. the morning shows are a way to give me something to listen to and keep my mind off dreading the fact that it's 5am and i only slept for 4 hours and it's only monday with a long, crappy day of work ahead of me after a long and crappy commute.

not all morning shows are good though because i've tried to listen in other states, but fortunately i love my radio stations and have a variety of good ones to choose from in dallas, texas. plus i listen to all different types of music which expands the types of shows i hear everyday since the topics are usually based on things that interest their brand of listeners. most radio shows have bits or segments they like to use regularly as a format to keep the show rolling. i pick and choose from my favorites and usually only listen to that particular station when its on. not only that, they are also very funny considering know wants to wake up and hear negative stuff or unenthusiastic people that make them just want to go back to bed. the point is to get you up and out the door with a positive start so a good show is a great balance between seriousness and lots of comedy.

it really makes my day after a few hours of laughs, local news, sports updates, celebrity gossip, hearing about local social events, celebrity interviews, interesting caller comments, relationship advice from and for local listeners with real life issues and drama, discussions about favorite tv shows from the night before, and even hearing a little bit about the lives of the actual radio personalities that you come to love for all their great entertainment and the best thing is it's all LOCAL which kind of makes you feel more like family than just a fan. and its a lot easier to get ready for work and be on time when your listening to something you dont have to look at like the tv as your trying to take a shower, brush your teeth, find your keys, and decide what to wear. if you live in dallas or are ever in the dallas area during these times, try my radio line up routine that i use at home and at work to help me get through the day:


106.1 kidd kraddick morning show

104.5 skip murphy and the morning team

97.9 rickey smiley morning show


105.7 steve harvey morning show

94.5 tom joyner morning show


105.3 pugs and kelly show


94.5 the michael baisden show
we have an equal amount of afternoon talkers here, maybe slightly more in the afternoon drive home

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