I find so many tv shows condone spanking. I recently got the dvd of One Day at a Time, and the mother tells the girls their father has been great because he gave them a good spanking when they needed it. I was appalled. What nerve! I also have the dvd of Punky Brewster, and it is implied that Punky and her friends were occasionally, although very rarely, spanked, and that was a kids' show! Punky Brewster was made in the '80s. I'm so young, but was spanking still okay in the '80s? I haven't seen its use condoned on '90s shows and beyond.
Why do so many tv shows condone spanking?chicago theater
Because spanking is sometimes an effective and necessary form of discipline, and part of the reason we experience so much crime is because parents allowed their children to feel as though there were certain limits to the punishments they would receive by refusing to spank them. Talking to kids and explaining what they did wrong and why they shouldn't do it is fine, but that in itself isn't always enough. Consequences for wrongful action should be instilled and enforced as well. And sometimes the action requires the use of corporeal punishment.
Spanking isn't barbaric behaviour, but beating them bloody is (which I oft times had done to me). Allowing children out into society who have not been properly disciplined because you as the parent aren't willing to do certain things, that is being barbaric.
Why do so many tv shows condone spanking?met opera opera theater
I condone spaking most children. Some children are just too sensitive and those are usually the ones that never need it anyway. Most tv shows do because most people do, especially parents.
spanking shouldn't be physical abuse to the point of great physical harm. if you had a excessively bad experience with it or have a false impression of it - that's too bad. I was spanked as a kid and always deserved it. I truly believe it made me a better person.
Like it or not, spanking is an integrated part of our society, so it's expected to show up in our forms of entertainment as well.
Spanking is perfectly legal, and what's more, it's not child abuse! This is a free country, with free speech laws, so it's perfectly legal to have TV shows that condone spanking. In fact, you'll probably find that at least half, probably even more, of all the people in the U.S. condone spanking! If they've become less common since the 1980s, then loudmoth anti-spanking fanatics like you must have becomes more common. People like you probably send in thousands of letters screaming about how you were offended by the TV show because it condones spanking! And by the way, many kids get spanked, so what it's perfectly normal that spanking should be portrayed and even condoned in a kid's show. Many kids are spanked, so it would seem perfectly normal to them. I find it ironic that you are appalled by TV shows that condone spanking, when there are TV shows loaded with violence (and i'm NOT talking about spankings, i'm taliking about REAL violence like brutal fights and murdering, etc.), explicit sexual content, foul language and drug usage. It definitely makes more sense to worry about shows that condone that sort of thing rather than shows that condone violence.
It's a free country, the 1st ammendment provides free speech rights saying that the producers can "condone" anything they want in their TV shows. And spanking is a perfectly normal and appropriate thing that happens to many children, so there's no reason why such a show would be inappropriate for children to watch (unless it's inappropriate in some other way). If you don't like TV shows that condone spanking, why don't you move to China, where all the TV is censored? Oh wait, spanking is legal there, maybe you'd be better off in some european country like Sweden or Germany or The Netherlands, spanking is illegal in those 3 countries (and a few others), and they don't have as many free speech rights in Europe.
idk but i think that there should be shows that have spankings in them
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